Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU)
Funder: Jembi (funded by USAID)
Implementing Partner (s): JSI, RTI, Vital Strategies, Pendulum, Jembi, GemNetHealth.
Project period (Start-End Date): Oct-2022 – Jun-2023.
Country/(ies): Indonesia, Madagascar.
CHISU focuses on strengthening country health information systems (HIS) to increase the quality, availability, and use of health data to improve health of communities around the world. Broadly, the CHISU program is working towards:
Strengthened governance and an enabling environment,
Increased availability and interoperability of quality health data and information systems,
Increased demand and use of health data and information to address health priorities, gaps, and challenges, and
Strengthened organizational development of local non-governmental partners for sustained data use.
Our support to CHISU Indonesia involved identifying pain points in the health information exchange infrastructure derived from the Indonesia Digital Transformation Strategy and defining a roadmap to address these pain points.
To achieve this, we worked closely with the USAID office in Indonesia and in-country stakeholders, especially the Digital Transformation Office.
Key Activities:
We held virtual and in-country meetings including dedicated sessions with key informants, plenary sessions, and break-away sessions, to gain an indepth understanding of CHISU Indonesia digital health landscape.
The technical deep dive sessions we held contributed to the design of the interoperability architecture to enable health information exchange.
Results/Impact (Achieved /anticipated):
Key pain points identified include the need to connect end hospital information systems to the centralized FHIR server, enable the shareable health record across facilities, boost human resource capacity to manage terminology services (coding and standards), and address master data challenges with the help of unique patient identifiers.
We defined a roadmap to address the pain points identified, including the following possible entry points: configuring a mediator to handle data formatting for the importation of data from end points (hospitals) to the central FHIR server (Satu Sehat) in FHIR-compliant format; and developing strategies to address master data challenges.
Related links (resources):